Finally, I Resigned..

2:28 PM

why did I lose the original picture of this im

So on Friday, November 15th 2019, I did it. 

I concluded my term at this company that has been my alien home for the past five fat years. After struggling to keep my interest with my work (a certain project at the time that I still despise everytime I get reminded of the experience) for the past year, I had desperately been looking for any company to pick me up.  

At that time I had been threatening (lmao) my project teams that I either wanted to be moved to another project or resigned for the past two months. One dat, I was just mindlessly submitting my resume via L-work website and didn't really expect that much. Two weeks later I got called for a face to face interview which was done with a previous project member from a project around four years ago. Didn't have that much expectation because i half-bombed the technical questions I think but thankfully I was accepted eitherway (must be the connection at work) at another technology consulting company and signed the contract. 

Breaking the News to my Project Team

was very quick, my lovely team lead definitely had been preparing her heart for this news because of how loud I was in voicing my displeasure haha. On the final day, I was swamped with the last minute work (no mercy at all) and had to organize a farewell treats as well. It was very tiring, especially for an introvert like me. I could feel my energy draining at alarming rate caused by all of greeting and saying goodbyes to 50+ person and smiled for the longest time ever in my life. 

(The way most of senior managers there said to return to the company once I get bored of the new company.. sickening lmao)

Adding to the fact that I barely slept for the past week because I was binge watching Ace of Diamond (lmao). When I finally returned my laptop and ID card, I even realized that I did not bring ID card with me to work so I had to go home first and then went to the home office. I remember coming home feeling so drained and out of focus, and zoned out so many times. Later that night I slept for 8 hours without waking up, at last.  Still, I had no energy to do anything for the entire weekend.

I had two weekdays being unemployed and I spent those days by binge watching Ace of Diamond (They had 120+ episodes aired at that time, imagine).


It had been whole five fat years since I joined the company shortly after I was declared as a graduate from my university. I felt liberated because my previous company, the longer my service was, worse the treatment I had gotten, especially with the project assignments. Nevertheless, it was a great experience and I learnt a lot from it. All this time I have experienced the feeling of being left behind and my friends/colleagues moving on to their next journey. Chipped in to so many farewell gifts and received so many goodbye emails.

What I didn't expect was that teams from my previous projects also gave me gifts, I felt so grateful for that and I am currently using them all well. 

A piece of my goodbye letter that I really liked but didnt end up sending because my previous project members were there, and I am a shy person lmao:

We may or may not keep in touch but please know that you guys were once part of my life and glad I met you all.
I wish you all nothing but the best, and perhaps we could collaborate again in the future wk.

So here goes nothing.. 

While this event was dated around november 2019, I only posted this on April 2020. So it's been five months since I started working for this company and I can say that I made a good decision resigning. I got upgraded on both of role and salary, and now I am specialised in one technology as well. At the previous company my roles and specialisations were different all the time and I really got sick of it.  

Better live, better money lol.

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