Last Day of School ;)

5:51 PM

today is our last day study as an eleven grader
so much things had happened today especially i brought my Nikki school hmm hmm

miss these eleven grader's memories a lot;
held parties at school
sneak out of the school together
and other

and the important thing is, we (hopefully) ain't gonna be eleven graders anymore!
after a lot of photos took (of course), we continued, studied english and eventually, the teachers of science one science two and science three didn't attend the classes! yay! so we mixed up and took photos AGAIN! perfect time to end this study year :)

oh, some of my classmates sneaked out of school, a felt a bit jealous of them but just like what my friend said:
Andrey :"ngapain la mereka cabut hari trakhir"
Me : "bukannya bagus?"
Andrey : "mana pula bagus, kita tuh harus nyari muka sama guru di hari trakir blajar biar bisa membantu nilai"
Me : "ooow.. pemikiran yang cerdik, very tricky at all"

and what he said was true. when it was physics time, our teacher called us all (absensi), my teacher informed that they, who sneaked out will get C in affective!! poor them..

okay wish me (US) luck everybody!!
"semoga hari selasa kemarin adalah hari trakir aku sma tmn" belajar di kelas XI. Smoga ujian berjalan lancar. TIDAK AD SOAL YANG DICURI LAGI. dan semua tugas dikasi tepat waktu. SEMOGA KITA SEMUA NAIK KELAS, AMIN!"

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