Self Relieve

11:35 AM

Really, it sure fells good whenever you get your creativity back. I'm not that creative but knowing that I have done something to refresh my brain, which is going to explode soon, makes me good. Life's been hectic this month. Geez! One thing that I've been doing this month ( still continues btw ) is CIRCLING THE LJK (Lembar Jawaban Komputer or Computer-based answer sheet). Can you imagine how kewl is that?

Well back to the topic, yesterday I just drew two 'serious' sketches; first is some kind of land with several oaks, and the second one is, it's rather special, because it's my role model's portrait sketch! Yes, she's Cassandra Niki!

zoom, baby, zoom!

source [here]

I drew this sketch as a gratitude for her sending me a copy of her newest and very first novel, "Letters, Stories and Dreams". Me really glad to received your awesome novel, Thank you again!
What do you think about the portrait? Does it look alike with the original photo? I got some troubles at her lips, but I think it's okay.

Another things; last week I had had the National Examination! I did go well, I hope all of the Cendana Senior Hi students pass it! Amin! Oh and also, please pray for me so I pass Bandung Institute of Technology's entrance test. I really wish that I can get in :(

Everyone, thank you for reading my oh-not-so blog until now! I really appreciate it! Don't forget to comment also, Ciao!

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