
8:59 PM

It's been half a year. I don't really know but my passion for blogging is slowly decreasing, so is it for photography. I always got my hands full of college activities, well, including spending time with my college mates. I often go home really late now, really different with when I was a student lol. 

So here are some back shots I took with my tele-zoom lens, which has already been sold to a friend.

I really think some catching up is necessarily needed, but I really don't know how to share stories here anymore. My life is really ordinary right now, as what I really do is go to college-go home or going somewhere with my friends. I also tweet a lot so it really feels like I had shared everything and don't know what to share in here then. I haven't been doing photo shoot lately because me and my model friends are really busy.

Last semester my cellphone got stolen, again. It happened in our class room when we were taking our semester exam. I was using it as calculator. So when I was going to summon up my exam papers I left it on my desk. I realized it after about fifteen minutes sitting in front of that class. And  there you go. I lost it. 

After I got my scholarship money recently I was able to buy another phone. So let's hope this one lasts for years, dang it.

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